Monday 12 November 2007

Is health all that matters?

Greg Mankiw waxes lyrical about health in the States - once you've controlled for murders, car accidents and other "premature deaths through non-health-related injury". Apparently the stats will look even better when obesity is controlled for.

His question is, where would you rather be sick? Clearly, the US is doing something right in terms of healthcare to some extent.

However, one has to ask about all those murders and car accidents. Presumably there is a higher chance in the States of being involved in both, if they have such a considerable effect there?

Furthermore, averages hide an awful lot. The distribution of "outcomes" of lives would be interesting. Is it skewed in the US due to their insurance-based system? Do the wealthy who can afford the better treatment live longer?

1 comment:

JWO said...

The wealthy in all countries live longer. The USA does better than most in this regard also. Evidently if you are a member of the lowe class it is good for your providers to see a walking $ when they look at you.