Thursday 12 June 2008

God and politics

According to this chap in the New York Times, the presidential campaign should be godless.

However, I'm very much with the writers of the first two comments (Bob S and Peter Kerry Powers). Why should religion be a private thing?

Certainly secularism, and in particular materialism, are anything but private: you deserve this, go on, treat yourself, etc., abound in the adverts. Why do the gods of democracy, and consumerism, get preference over God himself?

And why, if you've got good news, or a severe warning for others that you believe is based on firm evidence, should you not tell others about it? The government in the UK has told us that using our mobile phones while driving is dangerous, is that somehow immoral of them? On what "evidence" did they make that decision to implement a law and fund numerous advertising campaigns?

On another note, it's good to see Rick Warren inviting homosexuals into his church, thankfully showing God's love to people that are still loved by God just as much as anyone else. Far better to see than the abhorrent comments from Pat Robertson and John Hagee that are cited there.

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