Monday 22 October 2007


Actually, there's a proliferation of these websites, as Google points out, but the one in particular that I was directed to by my friend Tom is at

It simply says "Q: Does God exist?", with the response "A: No".

Quite amusing, witty, but slightly unsatisfying. Why doesn't He? What evidence does the author, who turns out to be a chap called Alain Omer Duranceau, have for this? Well, he has none, simply claiming, as most do, that somehow the burden of proof falls on Christians (or God believers) in this case, and not atheists.

Yet atheists are making just as dramatic a claim as Christians are about the existence of God - why should they get away without having to reason why they've said what they've said? Seems a little unfair to me. Dawkins does talk a bit more, but mainly attacks Christians in misguided ways. Though I'm told he isn't atheists' main spokesman these days, he irritates them as much as he does Christians and agnostics, in his position for public understanding of science.

Either God exists, or He doesn't. Neither case will be proved by scientific reason, simply because science asks the "how?" questions, and is stumped by the "why?" question. But it also certainly isn't opinion. The Bible makes dramatic claims about God, as does the God FAQ. All good fun...

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